Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Case 03

Case 3
Appointment 1st Mr. S. A. 4-years old, boy 1/8/2012

Mother’s account about her son’s illness:
“My son has a behaviour problem. I was giving him the remedies called Belladonna and Chamomilla, which prescribed by another homeopath but did not help.
He is very stubborn, and craves for sweets. He is aggressive and disobedient and fight and throws things.. When he is hungry then he gets irritable. He is very hyperactive and dancing around. He is always moaning and crying when he is angry. He has a desire for salty food. He is a bossy type boy. He will go in class one at school in September.

His urine is smelly. He does not eat breakfast. He likes to play with toys. He is restless and feels gets bored easily. He likes to wear few layers of clothes. He is morose, and then suddenly feels angry and the anger reaches up to a rage. When he feels angry, then he cries for hours. He feels cold in cold weather and feels hot in hot weather. He is happy with people. When he is angry he throws things and hates himself, during angry spells.”
I am repertorising this case by using a method called ‘Dr. Sehgal’s Rediscovery of Homoeopathy’. The method of case taking is same as the Classical Homoeopathy but prescribes the remedy only on the base of mental/emotional symptoms.
When Dr M L Sehgal started his practice, he was using the classical homoeopathic method but he admitted the most of the time this method was not working for him. It makes him frustrated. He was treating one of his friends, which he was suffering from malaria fever.
After prescribing the constitutional remedy several times, his friend did not response. Dr Sehgal becomes upset. He was strongly believe, there must be some remedy to cure his friend. His friend mentioned to Dr Sehgal, “I have decided to take leave from my office and take rest for a few days and remain in bed because I am finding myself too weak and I will take allopathic treatment”.
Dr Sehgal states, from the above two lines conversation two rubrics came to my mind:-

  • BED, remain in desire to
  • DELUSIONS, poor he is


Psorinum was common to both which was given to him in 200 potency. The next day the fever came but without much agony and surprisingly without affecting the appetite and bowels. These used to be disturbed very badly, under the impact of fever. The taste in the mouth etc. also remained quite normal. Gradually after another two milder attacks, the person was out of the grip of the fever. (Sehgal, 1999). Since then Dr Seghal developed this new approach to find the single remedy for the patient.

After studying Dr Seghal new discovery (8 volumes) and did my own research up to the satisfactory level, I
am using this method for the last 6-years with a great success.
Repertorisation: To repertorise this case I use the Kent (1995) Repertory.

  • Mind: Gestures, throwing about: Phos., stram. (p. 50).
  • Mind: Inconsolable: Phos., stram. (p. 54).
  • Mind: Moaning, groaning: Phos., stram. (p. 66).
  • Mind: Obstinate: Phos., stram. (p. 69).
  • Mind: Offended, easily: Phos., stram. (p. 69).
  • Mind: Rage, fury: Phos., stram. (p. 70).
  • Mind: Quarrelsome: Phos., stram. (p. 70).
  • Mind: Rage, violent: Stram. (p.71).
  • Mind: Rudeness: Phos., stram. (p. 75).
  • Mind: Shrieking, children, in: Stram. (p. 80).
  • Mind: Striking: Phos., stram. (p.84).
  • Mind: Violent, vehement etc.: Phos. Stram. (p. 91).
  • Mind: Wildness: Phos., stram., (p. 95).


Grade 1. Remedy: Stramonium, appears 13 times out of 13 rubrics
Grade 2. Remedy: Phosphorus, appears 11 times out of 13 rubrics.
Prescribing indications:
The centre point of this case is anger and hyperactivity. Phosphorus can be full of energy and due to that, patient is hyperactive but he is not aggressive and angry person. Mostly it is a fearful remedy and sometimes the patient feels very sad. But with Stramonium, the patient is very angry and violent like Belladonna.
In Stramonium, the patient has strong desire for company and light but in Phosphorus the patient is scared of dark and fear of ghosts.
Stramonium’s patient is sensitive, feels uncomfortable, when someone looking at him, because of an unfit feeling about his body, while phosphorus patient is nervous.
Stramonium’s patient can be hyperactive like Arsenicum album, jumping, dancing and running around, touching the things and other fruitless activity. Although Phosphorus patient can be very busy, this is because he feels full of energy. He does not get physically tired so easily.
In the light of the above discussions, also Stramonium represents strongly in the repertorisation, so I feel that Stramonium is the core remedy for Mr. S. A.
Stramonium 30
Give one dose once a day.
Choice of potency:
Although Mr. S. A. presents more mental/emotional symptoms, on the base of the guidelines, the emotional/mental symptoms are greater and the more I need to prescribe the high potency. In this case Mr. S. A. is 4-years old child; this is why I feel it will be safer if I prescribe medium potency, so avoid the aggravation due to a higher potency. This is because it is difficult for children to describe their feeling or between the old and new symptoms.

Appointment 2nd Mr. S. A. 5/9/2012
Mother’s account about her son’s illness:
“The medication helped him. He feels 80% better now. Now he feels angry every other day instead of every day. When he feels hungry, then he still becomes angry. He also feels angry when he is tired. Before this treatment he felt angry four or five times a day. He is not as hyper as he used to be.
Still he is stubborn but not so much. The sweet craving is decreased. Once he feels angry, than it takes time to calm him down. He feels restless during the day. He does not dance about as much. His urine still is smelly. He does not drink water, but now he eats breakfast to some degree. He is fussy about his food.”
Stramonium 30
Give one dose when he feels severe anger.

Appointment 3rd Mr S. A 16/10/2012
Mother’s account about her son’s illness:
“The medicine was finished last week. He is still craving for sweets but less now. He is more obedient and does not demand so much, he now listens to me. He does not cry any more. He does not feel so angry and it has reduced a lot.
Now he is 90% better. He does not feel angry every other day, instead he only feels angry occasionally. If he feels hungry and does not eat food, then he becomes angry, otherwise he is okay.
Now if he feels tired it does not trigger the anger. He is calm and not hyperactive as he used to.
He does not feel restless any more in the night. His urine is less smelly. He prefers to drink juices and not to drink water.
Now he eats breakfast, he especially prefers eggs, cakes, sweets. Still he is fussy with food.
He does not moan any more. He does not fight as he used to in the past. Still he is slightly rude. Still he prefers salty and sweet foods. Although, he is bossy it is less now. Before, he was demanding about things, he would not listen to his parents but now he can listen and understand the situation and has stopped demanding.
Before, when he was getting angry, he was crying for hours but now does not cry as much. Also he was getting angry without any apparent reason, but now he does not feel angry unnecessarily. He has been very calm for the last six weeks and when feels angry he does not throw things and not hate himself.”
The patient feels better, so discharged him and no medicine prescribed.