Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 07

Mrs. S B. S

21st May 2006


Dear Dr Saran Zeb
I have been suffering from back pain (disc problem) for over 18 months. I have been given various medications to try by my GP, none of which have worked. I then thought I’d try a homoeopathic clinic and my friend recommended me to you. I have been coming to you for about six months, and I must say the medication you gave to me has been very beneficial and it started effect almost immediately.
I would like to continue with the homoeopathic medication for my back due to the significant improvements I have noticed. Unfortunately this has been made difficult due to financial circumstances, as I am currently on benefits and find it difficult to manage the general household costs.
I have heard that the N.H.S. is thinking to support this alternative method of medication. I am definitely for this, because it is helping me and people like me who would like to homoeopathic treatment, but find it difficult to afford,
Yours Sincerely
Mrs. S B. S