Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 106

Mrs R K V
Mundon Grds
12th November 2010

First of all I would like to thank Dr Saran Zeb for providing medication for my symptoms which I never thought would be possible.
I have been a patient of Dr Saran Zeb for last six to eight months was recommended by a family member. I had been suffering from depression and fear and lost my confidence because of my condition. I saw my G.P and he prescribed the anti depressant tablets. I was bit reluctant to take anti depressant because I did not want to be addicted to the tablets but I was so desperate that I started taking it, I took for about four months. It was then that a family member told me about Dr Saran Zeb, since then I have been taking homoeopathic medicine and feel much better and there was no any side effects as with anti depressant I suffered with quite a few side effects.
I have been informed that the N.H.S considering supporting alternative medication such as homoeopathic medicine and I believe that this would be of great benefit to patient and I would not have any hesitation in voting for such a scheme. As I am a pensioner who finds it difficult to fund the medication provided.
So I would definitely have no hesitation in voting for such a scheme.
Mrs R K V