Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 19

Miss A S
Tylers Cresent, Hornchurch
Essex, RM12
15 September 2010

I have been a patient of Dr Saran Zeb since March 2010 after I was recommended to him by a family member. I have had eczema since I was a very small child and have suffered with it since. I have tried numerous different medications to try to rid of this skin condition including Chinese medicines, creams subscribed by my GP as well as steroid cream and tablets, but nothing worked in the long term and had some had horrible side effects.
Last winter my eczema became severe my skin was red, inflamed and bled. In the following weeks the condition of my skin worsened to the point that my skin began to shed and I had countless sleepless nights due to the skin irritation. I could not wear most of my clothes as it felt scratchy against my skin and having a shower became a painful experience At this point I had decided that I had to do something more and turned to Dr Saran Zeb. As I am sure many others are also, I was wary of what the result of homoeopathy would be. I had never tried this method before and was little sceptical. However in the weeks to follow I gained more and more faith as I began to see results. During each consultancy Dr Saran Zeb would take a detailed account of my condition and gave me a variety of medication including tablets, powders and also oils if I was happy to use them. Within a short period of time I could see and feel the difference in my skin and from them on my skin got better and better. Today my skin is no longer red or inflamed and I have Dr Saran Zeb and his homoeopathic treatment to thank for that .
I know that it may be hard to be believed that homoeopathic medicine could do what the doctor’s medicine’s could not, without experiencing it first hand, however I am sure that my account along with many others will give you an idea of how homoeopathic medicine can really help. I believe that it would be of great benefit to people if they had the option of alternative medication such as homoeopathy and I fully support any scheme that would make this possible. As a student it is difficult to fund this kind of treatment and although I did not hesitate to try homoeopathy myself, I know that for many people that expense could be an obstacle. Homoeopathy has worked for me and others that I know and I believed that the NHS has no need to deliberate about a scheme which could end the daily suffering of many with various conditions.
Miss A S