Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 22

Mrs N. V
Essex IG1
2nd December 2012

To whom it may concern
First I would like to thank almighty without his acceptance nothing is possible. Second to God, to me is Dr Saran Zeb who treated my son who was suffering from vitaligo and been told by N.H.S that there is no treatment for it.
On March 2011 I noticed slight white patches on his fingers and thumb and a bit of discoloration on his lips. I started panicking and crying. I took him to my doctors and she said there is no treatment for his condition which was very heart breaking, but my husband and I did not give up.
We started to look for private treatments while searching on the net; we came across Homoeopathic treatment and found Dr Saran Zeb. We went to see him and just in the first appointment everything seemed positive, he reassured us that there is a treatment for vitaligo. The way his treatments work is not just to cure the diseases, but to look into through emotional behaviours side of it too.
I was not sure at the beginning that he was more worried about my son’s emotions and his behaviours, then he explained the way he cures the patients it has to be that side of it too. I can’t thank him enough for making my son better not just health wise but by behaviours wise too.
My son is still under treatment although he is cured 75% and doctor is adamant to get his up to 100% which I have blind faith in him that he will cure him 100%.
My advice to all, please do not have a second thought to go and see Dr Saran Zeb as you will come out with amazing, wonderful results. With my personal experience of my rough journey God is first who I can’t thank enough and second God to me is Dr Saran Zeb.
Mrs N. V