Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 23

U D (Mr)
Essex, IG11
21st December 2012

To whom it may concern,
First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude and thank Dr Saran Zeb for providing medication for my eczema which has troubled me for most of my life.
I have been a patient of Dr Saran Zeb for the last eight months.
My eczema has been around since I was five years of age but it has rapidly gotten worse in the last year. I have been prescribed many tablets and creams from my G.P over the years; however it got to the point where none of the prescribed medicines worked. As a result, I started to get dark patches all over my body, including on my face, and I soon lost all confidence.
After seeing how bad my eczema had got, a family member recommended me to Dr Saran Zeb and I booked an appointment to see him.
Since then, I have been seeing Dr Saran Zeb every three to four weeks and the help I have received from homeopathic medicine has helped me visibly and mentally. My dark patches are disappearing and my confidence has almost fully returned.
I have been informed that the N.H.S are considering supporting homeopathic medicine, as well as other alternatives and I believe it would be a great addition to the support and help the N.H.S already offers and a great benefit to both patients and homeopathic doctors. Take in account that I am only fourteen, so the effect homeopathic medicine has had on me, in helping me to improve my eczema, has been very beneficial. Thanks to homeopathic medicine and Dr Saran Zeb, instead of looking away, I can now smile when looking at a mirror.
I am definitely, no hesitation, in favour of the N.H.S supporting homeopathic medicine.