Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 25

Ms D K
20th Feb 2014

To Whom It May Concern
About 6 months ago, I was suffering from the skin disorder which started with minor itching which soon becomes uncontrollable leading to red patches and even small blisters. I saw my GP for about 3 months to get the medication, where the treatment involved some medicines and different lotions containing urea to help with the symptoms. I didn’t get any relief for months and then I had to ask GP to recommend the specialist.
A friend recommend homeopathy, as she had similar condition and homeopathy helped her. I looked on internet and found Dr Zeb’s clinic close to my place. While I was waiting for the specialist appointment, I just decided to give it a try.
During the first appointment lasting approximately 45 minutes, Dr Zeb undertook the full assessment of the physical and emotional symptoms before starting the treatment. In a month, I was feeling a lot better. After 3 appointments, I was 90% relieved of my symptoms and the doctor said that I would not need any continued medication now. He gave a one last prescription but I was asked to use only when needed. I had to use it occasionally but soon I was fully cured. The beauty of the treatment was that I could see to getting better with no side effects at all.
I will be happy to seek homeopathy treatment in future as well, now that the belief is settled. Sadly, the treatment is not available through NHS but I strongly propose the idea that the people should have option to try alternative medicine through NHS. In the hindsight, this might help the already overloaded NHS where it is so hard and long wait to get the specialist appointments.
Best Regards
Ms D. K