Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 32

Mrs L. G
Chadwell Heath,

28th April, 2004

I have been consulting Dr Zeb of the Homeopathic Clinic for the last 7-8 years for myself, my family and for my grand children.
The first time I consulted Dr. Zeb was for my “Frozen Shoulder”, which was the result of a fall. My GP labelled it as “Arthritic Pains” bound to occur as wear and tear due to progressing age. However, I must say I was very pleased with the results of the treatment by Dr. Zeb and up to today, my shoulder is, as strong as it was before the fall. I have never looked back since then.
Due to swimming I developed chronic ear problems with a lot of eczema skin round the ear which was also successfully treated by Dr. Zeb.
Any pain in the neck, knee or back has also been treated by Dr. Zeb.
I have also consulted Dr. Zeb for my grand children’s aliments like coughs colds and throat infection with very good results with Homeopathic remedies. My first choice for any problem for the family is Homeopathy and Dr. Zeb as I am firm believer of Natural Remedies and Homeopathy and as such I have referred a lot of other people with various ailments to Dr. Zeb and they too have been treated by him, with very good results.
I wish him more success in treating people.
Yours faithfully
Mrs L. G