Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 95


10th July2004


I started to consult Dr Saran Zeb over 3 years ago.
Reason being initially for my weight problem and lower back pain. Over a year ago I had a family bereavement, I suffered with shock, emotional upset, not able to relax or sleep.
I spoke to my GP who has been very helpful and understanding, but she could only prescribe mild anti-depressants. Whereas Dr. Saran Zeb was treating me for all my symptoms.
And most recently I have suffered another shock due to member of my family suddenly fell critically ill, and I had to undergo various tests due to family medical history, and during these tests it was found that I had Hypothyroidism- is under activity of the thyroid gland.
My symptoms were tiredness, abnormal sleepiness or drowsiness, aches and pains, constipation, feeling cold most of the time, WEIGHT GAIN despite poor appetite, NUMBNESS and tingling in hands.
My thyroid level was 7.6 at this stage my GP wanted to prescribe me Thyroxin, and was told that I would have take this for the rest of my life. I requested my GP could I have another test in 2 months. During this time Dr. Zeb started homeopathic treatment, I began to feel better in myself and my symptoms improved.
When my tests were repeated the results showed my thyroid level was now 3.2 which is normal and my GP was astonished at the results. And the tests will be repeated in 3 months time.
Since I have been taking homeopathic treatment I feel more positive and emotionally stronger in myself, and have learned to cope with stress.
I have found Dr. Zeb very professional, understanding and caring he has assured me step by step I will get better and over the resent months I have improved, as I trust in his good professional ability.
Mrs D. M