Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 107

Mrs A A
Sebert Road
Forest Gate
London E7
5th April 2010

Before I started homoeopathic treatment at Dr Zeb’s Clinic, I was suffering from depression, lack of motivation and indifference from work.
I suffer from Schizophrenia, along with Dr Zeb’s treatment; I am also getting medical treatment. Since I have started homoeopathic treatment there are a lot of things I am able to do will, like cooking, cleaning, going shopping, socialising with people. Dr Zeb’s medication has not only helped my energy level but also improve my mental state. I do not feel depressed anymore and enjoy my life fully.
I would strongly say Dr Zeb’s treatment is worth having. I would recommend this treatment to anyone.
I am getting benefits at the movement, so I am struggling to pay for homoeopathic treatment. It would be great if Dr Zeb’s treatment can be available on the NHS. I would greatly benefit from this treatment being available on the NHS.
Yours faithfully
Mrs A A