Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 15

Mr. P. R.

26 April 2006

Dear Reader
I used to suffer from excessive sweats during the night, which completely soaked the pillows all the way through. These happened quite frequently, over several years, and were steadily getting worse; this caused me some concern, sleepless nights and frequent purchases of new pillows due to damage caused by the sweats. People joked that it was my age and it normally only happens to women. After just one session with Doctor Zeb and two days of medicine the sweats have ceased and have not re-occurred for over 9 months. More recently I took my problem of pains in the left face and ear to him and again one session and 3 doses of medicine and the pains have not re-appeared for 5 months.
Doctor Zeb has an amazing skill of being able in his one-hour sessions to know exactly what the problem is and has the means to get to the source of problem without creating unpleasant symptoms that I normally get with drug treatments.
Thank you, I can and do recommend your practice as the place to find sympathetic professional consultations and effective remedies.
Yours sincerely
Mr. P. R.