Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 18

Miss N ,I, Danes Road, Exeter, EX4,
United Kingdom
17th April 2009

To whom it may concern
I begin this letter by delivering my gratitude to God, and my sincere thanks to Dr. Saran Zeb for his untiring effort, searching the most appropriate medicine to my skin problem.
1 am a regular patient of Dr Zeb, and began this treatment since November 2007.1 am a vitiligo patient since I was twelve years old, and I believe a permanent cure for this is with homoeopathy (God’s willing). I have been following homoeopathy treatment since I was seventeen years old. I have accessed to this alternative treatment in my country for nearly five years, followed by homoeopathy in India for three years, and now with Dr Zeb’s homoeopathy for nearly two years. I found Dr Zeb’s way of treating his patient’s illness is highly effective, and efficient. The benefits that I have received from this treatment are not solely for myself rather they must be grabbed and shared by all people.
The advantages that I have reaped from this homoeopathic treatment could be listed as follows: it has no drug, and therefore it has a total free of side-effects; it provides a permanent recovery by treating any illness through a holistic approach; it gives an uncomplicated and practical daily medical prescription; and it presents an in-depth analysis before the prescription is produced. Therefore, it could be right to claim that the best medicine in the world lays in homoeopathy; a tiny ball treating thousands of illness.
I have had this skin problem for nearly twenty years. I went to the hospital, looking for the solution to this problem. Yet, I have always been disappointed because this skin problem is believed to be one of the difficult illnesses to be treated. I should mention here, however, that the skin did recover but it was temporary. I opted to homeopathy, and now see some improvement.
In this treatment, Dr Zeb did mention that my skin problem has been strongly influenced on an emotional level. It is also believed that with a good and balanced psychological state, my skin problem would be treated easily and quickly. I used to have a very bad experience in my life, and this had almost ruined my psychological balance. I used to cry every hour, and lived in an extremely depressed condition for nearly four years. But now, it is gone! Praise to God as now I found my emotion is completely cured with the treatment received from Dr Zeb’s homoeopathic treatment
It is suggested that the NHS should be extended to the homoeopathic patients/users since it can reduce the burden of seeking and reaping the benefits of this treatment. By doing this, moreover, the government would be able to allocate the right budget to those who entitle for NHS, and minimize the demanding hours and perhaps a long queue in the hospital•
Yours truly

Miss N I