Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 24

H.R (Mr)

5th January 2013

Dear DR Zeb
Whenever I thought about the time when I had not visited you, it makes me so scared. I am just mentioning this for the people to know what happened with me when I had two or three warts on my face under cheeks. I visited a doctor and he applied some sort of cream on warts, In 20 minutes all warts gone but made my skin black like its burnt but I was ok that the warts had gone. But that satisfaction was just temporary as I have got a lot of warts under my cheeks, neck and this time between ten to fifteen warts. So I left with marks and more warts and I was so desperate that time.
Some of my friends suggested to me to see a homeopathic doctor and try the homeopathic medication but I was not aware of homeopathy much that time.
After this all I visited you, you gave me hope to come out from that depression and start medication, which although slow is perfect. Every time I visited in that five months of medication, I got a good hope and satisfaction in that kind of depression and after five months I got my face clear from all the warts without burning my skin and there are no visible marks of warts on my skin. I am definitely am more than thankful to you for all your help and support to take me out from that depression, as well as treating me very sincerely. After my personal experience of homeopathic medication, I will strongly recommend it to everyone suffering with warts.
I will surly say you are a good homeopathic doctor and will not hesitate to recommend you and your service to anybody regarding any problem.
H.R (Mr)