Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 57

Mr F. S
31st May 2004

I visited Dr Zeb in the middle of 2002, when my wife and myself were trying for baby. Both of us did the test and according to the result my sperms were very low. The specialist said that there is no cure for this problem in Allopathic medicine, due to this both of us were very disappointed, and were thinking of raising the money for IVF. During this time my friend advised me to try homoeopathy. Dr Zeb took in details case history and started the treatment.
After few months the quantity of my sperm increased but due to personal circumstances I stopped my treatment. Now I started my treatment again, my wife and I hopefully will be parents of our own child.
I definitely recommend homoeopathic treatment for those who have tried conventional treatment but have not benefited. This is because allopathic treatment does not cure the disease but deal with the symptoms, while homoeopathic treatment reaches to the root cause of the disease to be cured and there are no side effects.
One satisfied patient.
Mr F. S.