Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 77

C. K. (Mrs).
IG1110 March 2004

I have been consulting Dr Zeb at the Homoeopathic Clinic on and off for the last fifteen months.
Having a number of complaints I have been very pleased with the results obtained with the treatment of my chest problems of wheezing and shortness of breath and pain in my chest when walking fast. I have been able to do a lot more and take fewer inhalers. this winter I have hardly consulted my General Practitioner (G.P) at all and have only needed one course of anti biotic.
I have also been able to discontinue a long-term use of anti depressant. This is something I am particularly pleased about as I have tried on several occasions in the past and been unsuccessful.
My Psoriasis, which I have had for 16 years, is under control and has completely disappeared from certain areas for example my back.
All in all I would not hesitate to recommend Dr. Zeb and feel he is an excellent practitioner with much experience in all areas of health.

Kind regards
C. K. (Mrs).