Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 87

Mrs. S K
17 May 2008

Dear Dr Zeb
I have been suffering from migraine from last 2-years. I tried various treatments, discussed my problem with lot of Doctors here in London and in my home country (Pakistan), tried many medicines but all in vain. Doctors were of the opinion that my problem cannot be cured.
However, one day I saw your clinic as I was passing by. I thought of discussing my problem with you, as I was really suffering due to migraine and muscle pain on right side of my body. You were my last hope, I thought if you will say that my disease is not curable than I will never go to a doctor in my life.
Well at last when I discussed my case with you, you gave me medicine for my migraine and recommended massage treatment for my muscles. By the grace of God and your hard work and effort, I am feeling much better. You have treated my pain successfully and I am now able to continue to live life normally.
I would also like to continue your clinic for my sinus problem and other related issues as your method of treatment and medicines has really worked.
Now, I realise the benefit of homoeopathic medicine as this controlled my health problems without any side effects, I am highly grateful for the way you have controlled my migraine, which was making my life miserable,
After seeing my recovery my brother and sister are also attending your clinic for their problems.
I am a housewife; it is difficult for me financially to pay for the cost of your treatment. I would be grateful if the NHS does support the costs of this treatment, so I would be able to complete the course of my treatment.
Yours Sincerely
Mrs. S K