Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 99

Mrs S. T.

9th May 2006

To Whom It May Concern
I have two of my children who are currently undergoing homoeopathic treatment in Dr Zeb’s clinic, My daughter H. T. has white patches (vitaligo) on her face and since homoeopathic treatment the white patches on her face have considerably gone down and if I keep taking her for homoeopathic treatment her face will have no white patches at all.
My son H. T is also having homoeopathic treatment with Dr Zeb since 16 October 2005 for uncontrollable anger, irritability tiredness and extreme sensitivity to noise. I have noticed a great improvement regarding his irritability, tiredness and sensitivities. My son was feeling tired and exhausted towards evening and he couldn’t concentrate on his school work for long periods, but within the last four weeks he has shown a great improvement regarding his tiredness and his concentration power has improved immensely.
I am happy to continue the homeopathic treatment for my children but find it very hard to make payments for the treatment and believe strongly that it should be available through N.H.S.
Yours faithfully
Mrs S. T.