Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 26


Mrs S. M.

Dagenham, Essex, RM8 
To whom it may concern

I first consulted Dr Zeb at the Homeopathic clinic about three to four years ago as I had a noticeable bold patch on my head (alopecia), which was gradually increasing in size and causing me great distress. Following treatment, and to my great relief my hair grew back completely within three months. I experienced a further occurrence of alopecia a couple of years later, which consisted of several smaller bold patches on a different part of my scalp.

Letter 27


Mrs C. C-O. 

Barkingside, Ilford, Essex, IG6
Dear Dr Zeb

I have been suffering with alopaecia over 3 years. I was referred to a dermatologist at hospital in October 2003. He prescribed Rogaine, which, could not be prescribed under the NHS. this proved to be very costly and the side effects of facial hair was very depressing. I therefore stopped using Rogaine and looked into a more natural solution to my hair problem.

Letter 28


Ms L. A.

Barking, Essex, IG11 
To Whom It May Concern

I have been seeing Dr Zeb for the past 7 years now for various problems. At first I came to him for treatment of alopecia, I was sceptic at first but after only 3 sessions I was amazed by the results. I have been suffering from constipation for many years, I went to my GP countless times but no matter how many times my medication was changed nothing worked, if not it went a lot worse this affected me emotionally and physically.

Letter 29


Mrs S M

Ilford, Essex
To whom it may concern,

I had been suffering from alopecia for approximately a year and a half, and having gained no relief from the condition through conventional medicine (indeed it was getting worse) I turned to Dr Zeb after seeing testimonials on his website.

Letter 30


Mrs A.M

Ilford, Essex, IG1
To whom it may concern

I was recommended to go and see Dr Zeb from a friend who was already attending his clinic.
I was suffering from heavy hair loss at the time.

Letter 31


Mrs S.A

Ilford, Essex, IG5
To whom it may concern

I went to see Dr Zeb because I was suffering from falling hair. I lost enormous
amount of hair over two weeks. My hair was thinning. My hair was
falling out so much everyday and it was affecting my health.