Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 105


Mrs H. A.

Leytonstone, London, E11

This is to inform you of my difficult mental trauma. I have been suffering from anxiety, insomnia and an over active mind.
The allopathic medicines had never ever worked for me, which, prescribed by my G.P had given me negative side-effects.
Dr Saran Zeb is the Homeopathic Consultant and by taking homeopathic medicines, my mental trauma and difficult situation has improved.

Letter 106


Mrs R K V

Mundon Grds, Ilford, Essex, IG1

First of all I would like to thank Dr Saran Zeb for providing medication for my symptoms which I never thought would be possible.
I have been a patient of Dr Saran Zeb for last six to eight months was recommended by a family member. I had been suffering from depression and fear and lost my confidence because of my condition. I saw my G.P and he prescribed the anti depressant tablets. I was bit reluctant to take anti depressant because I did not want to be addicted to the tablets but I was so desperate that I started taking it, I took for about four months.

Letter 107


Mrs A A

Sebert Road, Forest Gate, London E7

Before I started homoeopathic treatment at Dr Zeb’s Clinic, I was suffering from depression, lack of motivation and indifference from work.
I suffer from Schizophrenia, along with Dr Zeb’s treatment; I am also getting medical treatment. Since I have started homoeopathic treatment there are a lot of things I am able to do will, like cooking, cleaning, going shopping, socialising with people. Dr Zeb’s medication has not only helped my energy level but also improve my mental state. I do not feel depressed anymore and enjoy my life fully.

Letter 99


Mrs S. T.

Barking, Essex, IG11 
To Whom It May Concern

I have two of my children who are currently undergoing homoeopathic treatment in Dr Zeb’s clinic, My daughter H. T. has white patches (vitaligo) on her face and since homoeopathic treatment the white patches on her face have considerably gone down and if I keep taking her for homoeopathic treatment her face will have no white patches at all.
My son H. T is also having homoeopathic treatment with Dr Zeb since 16 October 2005 for uncontrollable anger, irritability tiredness and extreme sensitivity to noise.

Letter 90


Miss C. Y.

Barking, Essex, IG11
To Whom It May Concern:

In the last 9 years, I have been consulting Dr. Saran Zeb for many ailments.
At first I was caution and very sceptical but after a few sessions for my depression and suicidal tendency, I was thrilled with the relief. I refused anti-depressant and only used his prescription on and off over the years.

Letter 91


Mr A.H.

East Ham, London, E6 

I feel it is a great pity that so few people are aware of the benefit that can be derived from homoeopathic treatment.
My wife and I are both elderly and have been attending the clinic conducted by Dr Zeb for 18 months and have been treated for various ailments including angina, dementia, depression and urinary complaint with marked success.

Letter 92


Mrs Z. A.

Barking, Essex, IG11 
Dear Dr Zeb

I have consulted you for the past 3 years. I have suffered for many years with kidney and depression problems. I was under allopathic treatment but no relief.
Since I found out about homeopathy and started taking homoeopathic treatment, I felt I gained a new life. I was very depressed for the past 10 years, after suffering for 10 years once again I have my health back.

Letter 93


Mrs H. G.

Barking, Essex, IG11

I have been treated very well at the homoeopathic clinic by Dr. Zeb and have had so many successful results over my ten years of treatment with him.
Before attending the clinic I suffered from depression, stress and headache, which caused me to suffer hair loss and skin problems.

Letter 94


Mrs M. J.

Ilford, Essex, IG1 
Dear Sir/Madam,

Over the last year or so, I have been suffering from, a very severe burning headache, migraines, stress, sleepless nights. I tried everything I could but nothing worked.
I then started going to the ‘Natural Remedies” homeopathic clinic where I saw Dr. Zeb for a total of five sessions. After I started going to the clinic, I started to feel much better and am now feeling fine.

Letter 95


Barking, Essex, IG11 

I started to consult Dr Saran Zeb over 3 years ago.
Reason being initially for my weight problem and lower back pain. Over a year ago I had a family bereavement, I suffered with shock, emotional upset, not able to relax or sleep.
I spoke to my GP who has been very helpful and understanding, but she could only prescribe mild anti-depressants. Whereas Dr. Saran Zeb was treating me for all my symptoms.