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- Chapter 1: General Health Problems (High blood pressure, diabetes, sore gums and many others)
- Chapter 2: Skin Problems (Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, vitaligo, dry skin etc)
- Chapter 3: Hair loss (hair fall, alopecia, dry hair etc)
- Chapter 4: Pain (Arthritis, Rheumatism, Muscular Pain etc)
- Chapter 5: Reproductive Problems (Heavy menses, irregular period, painful period, discharge etc)
- Chapter 6: Digestive Problems (poor appétit, bloating, indigestion, abdominal and stomach pain, constipation, diarrhoea etc)
- Chapter 7: Respiratory Problems (Asthma, breathing difficulty, cough etc)
- Chapter 8: Headache and Migraine
- Chapter 9: Mental and Emotional Problems (Anger, Irritability, Feeling sad and depress, restlessness, anxiety, fear etc.)
- Chapter 10: Patient's Case history.