Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 102


Miss C. B.

East Ham, London, E6
To Whom It May Concern,

I have been receiving treatment from Doctor Saran Zeb for chronic anxiety coupled with a lingering feeling of depression for the last 3 weeks, After a full assessment and the right homeopathic medication, administered by him, I am starting to notice an improvement in my anxiety levels, However, as I’m not working and rely entirely on my incapacity benefit, which I now receive because of my anxiety, I am finding the payments difficult to meet on a fortnightly basis.

Letter 101


J. H

Dagenham, Essex, RM8 
To Whom It May Concern

I am writing this letter so that other people can and may get benefit from homoeopathic treatment the way that I have it had made a big change to my life and I believe in it immensely.
I started taking homoeopathic treatment about 4-years ago when I was at a stage in my life that I needed help but didn’t know where to turn. I had been on anti-depressants for 11-years for anxiety, panic attacks and depression a lot had gone on through the years and I think that maybe it had got to the stage where I couldn’t cope any more.

Letter 100


MrS. M. A.

Ilford, Essex, IG1 
Dear Dr Saran Zeb

I have been suffering from severe depression for over a decade. I have been treated by my GP. The medicine she prescribed me medicine to make me sleep, however the side effect of this medication was drowsiness.
I have been treated for depression by you for approximately 6 years and after the first few consultations, I have been purchasing prescribed medication by you whenever I required it. I have felt so much better mentally and physically and received NO SIDE EFFECTS whatsoever.

Letter 99


Mrs S. T.

Barking, Essex, IG11 
To Whom It May Concern

I have two of my children who are currently undergoing homoeopathic treatment in Dr Zeb’s clinic, My daughter H. T. has white patches (vitaligo) on her face and since homoeopathic treatment the white patches on her face have considerably gone down and if I keep taking her for homoeopathic treatment her face will have no white patches at all.
My son H. T is also having homoeopathic treatment with Dr Zeb since 16 October 2005 for uncontrollable anger, irritability tiredness and extreme sensitivity to noise.

Letter 98


S. B.

Ilford, Essex, IG1 

After having treatment from my homoeopathic doctor Zeb, I feel a lot better.
Being in hospital for 3 weeks feeling sick, very dizzy, no appetite and depressed and still coming home feeling exactly the same. I decided in desperation to try Doctor Zeb, after being told about him by my neighbour.

Letter 97


Mrs F. M.

Ilford, Essex, IG1

Ten years ago I approached Dr Zeb for consultation for PMS symptoms, I was very pleased with the course of treatment I received for PMS symptoms which were varied. Initially Dr Zeb treated me for PMS related stress and depression that has actually been cured. I’ve not had any of those symptoms since. My GP had offered anti-depressants which would have given side effects and not provided a cure. The homoeopathic treatment was a safe natural alternative. Since then I have used homoeopathy for many ailments for myself and my whole family.

Letter 96


Mrs M. T. L.

Dagenham, Essex, RM10 
To whom it may concern

I am a forty six year old woman who has found that homeopathy has helped to make me become whole again. I have used many forms of counselling and therapies in the past to try to heal myself on a deep level. Homeopathy worked for me because it deals with the mind body and soul, it takes a holistic approach to the individual.
I was born in Birmingham in 1958 to Irish parentage I was taken back to Ireland in the 1960’s to live in Dublin with my parents, brothers and sisters.

Letter 95


Barking, Essex, IG11 

I started to consult Dr Saran Zeb over 3 years ago.
Reason being initially for my weight problem and lower back pain. Over a year ago I had a family bereavement, I suffered with shock, emotional upset, not able to relax or sleep.
I spoke to my GP who has been very helpful and understanding, but she could only prescribe mild anti-depressants. Whereas Dr. Saran Zeb was treating me for all my symptoms.

Letter 94


Mrs M. J.

Ilford, Essex, IG1 
Dear Sir/Madam,

Over the last year or so, I have been suffering from, a very severe burning headache, migraines, stress, sleepless nights. I tried everything I could but nothing worked.
I then started going to the ‘Natural Remedies” homeopathic clinic where I saw Dr. Zeb for a total of five sessions. After I started going to the clinic, I started to feel much better and am now feeling fine.

Letter 93


Mrs H. G.

Barking, Essex, IG11

I have been treated very well at the homoeopathic clinic by Dr. Zeb and have had so many successful results over my ten years of treatment with him.
Before attending the clinic I suffered from depression, stress and headache, which caused me to suffer hair loss and skin problems.