Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 84


Walthamstow, London, E17
To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing with regards to the treatment, I Mrs. A. B, have been receiving from Dr Saran Zeb at London Homoeopathic Clinic. Basically I had a very bad persistent cough for over a year which was troubling me a great deal and I had tried various courses of antibiotics from my GP but these were pretty much ineffective and did not help to stop my cough.
Therefore I tried to find an alternative means of treatment and that is when my daughter found out about London Homeopathic Clinic from the Internet, and as it was local to me I decided to try it out. So approximately 2 years ago I started going to see Dr Saran Zeb for treatment of my persistent cough, and for the one year or so I went regularly every month.

Letter 85


F. S.

Barking, Essex, IG11 
Dear Saran Zeb

I have been suffering from migraine for the past 10 years, I have seen a doctor, who specialise in this area, which my GP referred to me, and I was on some pain killers for the migraine and cannot continue taking pain killers for the rest of my life.
Last year a friend of mine recommended me to you and said you might be able to help me with this problem. I didn’t really take it seriously but I’m still in constant pain. So I decided to come and see you. After the first treatment I saw a significant change to my problem for the better.

Letter 71


Mrs S. B

East Ham, London, E6 

I have been suffering from a number of complaints for a few years now including aches, throat pains, stomach complaints, and anaemia
My G.P prescribed me various medicines including iron supplements, HRT and throat sprays, which had some effect, but often left me with side effects and short term relief but no improvement in my symptoms.

Letter 72


Mrs. S. A.

South View Drive, South Wood ford, London E18
Dear Dr Saran Zeb

As you are aware my 6 years old son was suffering from a stomach gas problem, which meant he seldom ate anything because he never felt hungry due to the gas.
On the advice and recommendation of a family friend, I got in touch with you for treatment and I am so happy because I can see a difference in my son. He eats properly now. He has 3 proper meals a day and there have been no side effects with this medication.

Letter 73


Mrs. D. H.

Dagenham, Essex, RM9
Dear Dr Zeb

For about six months I had been suffering from severe heartburn. After seeing you and taking the medicine you gave me, four weeks later the pain had gone.
I would recommend Homeopathy treatment to everyone; it has certainly helped me for which I thank you.

Letter 74


Miss S. P

Romford Road, Manor Park
London, E12

I am writing to say how grateful I am that Dr Saran Zeb has helped me to improve the quality of my life by prescribing and treating my illness with homoeopathic remedies.
My condition has been with me for as long as I can remember, initially as a child I suffered with asthma and given steroids and inhalers from my GP. This helped initially but the worst was yet to come from the side effects I began to develop.

Letter 75


Ilford, Essex, IG1

I am writing this testimonial so that others can also benefit from the treatment that I have received from Dr Saran Zeb. Before coming to his clinic I was interested in homeopathy but not sure whether to try it. For many years I had been taking medicine from doctors to treat my stomach problems, but I could never get relief. I had many scans at hospitals but no one could tell me the underlying cause of my problem. I used to take a medicine and then a week later that same medicine was not useful anymore.

Letter 76


Mrs A S D

Forest Gate, London, E7

I came here with mother, who is suffering from some sort of gastric problem and a family member told us about Dr Saran Zeb, so we came and visit him.
When my mum came here she was in a bad state but since Dr Saran Zeb started her treatment she feels much better. The medication had no side effect, which was a relief and now I feel N.H.S should support Homeopathic medicine as I believe it will be a successful scheme for them.

Letter 77


C. K. (Mrs).

Barking, Essex, IG11

I have been consulting Dr Zeb at the Homoeopathic Clinic on and off for the last fifteen months.
Having a number of complaints I have been very pleased with the results obtained with the treatment of my chest problems of wheezing and shortness of breath and pain in my chest when walking fast. I have been able to do a lot more and take fewer inhalers. this winter I have hardly consulted my General Practitioner (G.P) at all and have only needed one course of anti biotic.

Letter 78


J. C.

East London

Over the years my daughter has received a successful number of treatments from Dr Saran Zeb.
I originally went to see him about six years ago with my daughter; she had been suffering from recurring tonsillitis and chest infections.
I was also very concerned about the amount of antibiotics she had taken.