Homoeopathy is the medical practice of treating like with like. That is to say, treating an illness with a substance which when taken by a healthy person produces symptoms similar to those displayed by the person who is ill.

Letter 50


Mrs S R

Barking, Essex, IG11 
To whom it may concern,

I have been a patient at Dr. Saran Zeb’s clinic on and off for about five years. I have been coming to him for my diabetes, cramps and weakness issues. Over the course I have become much stronger physically and can do a lot of work without getting tired.

Letter 51


Mrs H. H

Blackburn, BB2

In December 2012 I had my second boy, three days before my emergency C-section I developed severe pain in my lower back, pelvis and legs. The condition was so severe that within a few hours I could not move my legs at all.

Letter 52


Mr. S Z J

Tooting, London, SW17

First of all I would to thank Dr Saran Zeb providing medication for my pain in my legs and arms which I never thought would be getting better.
I have been a patient of Dr Saran Zeb for last eight months. I approached to him via internet. I developed pain in my legs and arms due to heavy lifting at work. Also I was experiencing restlessness in my legs and I was feeling weak.

Letter 53


Harlesden, London, NW10

I have rheumatoid arthritis from last seven years. I was treated via NHS. The consultant prescribed tablets and injections. This treatment provided a temporary comfort in the pain but no improvement in the physical tiredness and swelling of the feet. This makes me feel worry.

Letter 44


East Ham, London, E6
To Whom It May Concern

I have been seeing Dr. Zeb since 1998. During this period I had various illnesses. These have included a kidney infection, food poisoning, aches and pains in the body as well as severe stress and depression.

Letter 45


Barking,Essex, IG11
Dear Sir/Madam,

I have been consulting Dr Zeb for over 2 years now. Before I went to see him I had many problems regarding high blood pressure and severe back problems. However before I did begin to consult Dr Zeb I did see my local GP, but all I was given were either painkillers or creams for my troubles. These did not help me as my problems continued to persist with even greater force.

Letter 46


Ms. S. A

East Ham, London, E6
To Whom It May Concern:

I began homeopathic treatment with Dr Saran Zeb following recommendations from family members who had very successful outcomes for various medical problems.
I was suffering from severe muscular and joint pains which were affecting my knee and also my back. I was suffering for a long time and the only relief was with painkillers which I was reluctant to take continually over such a long period of time.

Letter 47


Alfred Gardens

Barking, Essex, IG11

I have been a patient at Dr Saran Zeb’s clinic since 2008 after I became extremely ill and was recommended by a family member who was already a patient at his clinic. I started suffering from pain in my back which spread to other parts of my body and I soon became restricted to bed rest.

Letter 48


Shirley Garden

Barking, Essex, IG11
To whom it may concern

Being grateful to God Almighty, I am writing to thank you Dr. Saran Zeb, for your medical help and support. Since receiving treatment from your centre, I have noticed a great improvement in my health. I came to you for alternative treatment to the conventional medicines which I had been taking for a good few months.

Letter 33


Dagenham, Essex, RM10

I have been seeing Dr Zeb at the Homoeopathic Clinic on and off for a few years with more than one complaint, such as arthritis and menopause.
The treatment I have had from Dr. Zeb has been help to me.